Minnetonka Striker Club

A network of players, families, alumni and community members that support Minnetonka Soccer programs.

What do we do?
We actively support Minnetonka High School and community soccer programs and related fundraising events. Our efforts build, enhance and maintain soccer facilities so that all benefit.

How do we do it?
We meet 3-6 times per year with elected board members who make shared decisions. Working alongside Coach Rogers and Coach Hopkins, we align program needs and develop priorities that can best help with our purpose. By doing so, we create and enhance Boys and Girls Soccer Programs as well as the soccer community.

How can you help?
We are always looking for talented people to join our board and to use your skill set to assist the board (i.e. website design, communications, advertising, sales). You can also be a financial contributor (or have your employment support Minnetonka Soccer). We are a 501C-3 tax status to allow the organization to accept tax deductible donations from members.